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Using Docker

To use the Django Base Site with Docker you first need to install docker and then follow the Quickstart guide in the project README.



  • Follow Jetbrain's guide.
  • Make sure you pull up the site using http://localhost:8000/ instead of

Running Webpack

  • When you run docker-compose up it starts the node service which should run webpack --watch.
  • If you want to run webpack by itself, you can run it with a command like, docker-compose run --rm node npm run (build|watch).

Common Gotchas

  • You need to start your runserver using docker-compose up instead of docker-compose run web python runserver or you won't be able to access your site from your browser.
  • Installing django-debug-toolbar can ignore the Django version you've specified in your Pipfile and instead Django 2 because django-debug-toolbar uses "Django" with a capital D in it's requirements when other packages use "django" in lowercase. To work around this install everything except django-debug-toolbar and then added it last to your Pipfile.

Common Commands

Command Description
docker-compose up Starts up all of your services according to how they were defined in your docker-compose.yml file.
docker-compose down Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up.
docker volume ls List the volumes that have been created
